Each soul is Holy Ground.
"Terra Sancta" is Latin for "Holy Ground."
Terra Sancta points us toward a personal mission. When each child is honored as a unique, unrepeatable human person with God-given gifts, education becomes the task of developing the human potential.
Education becomes holy as it taps into the richness of Scripture, Catholic teaching and sacramental life, in the context of a community dedicated to encounter with the Lord.
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a Montessori-inspired method of spiritual formation for children, is central to the Terra Sancta experience.
Each soul is holy ground.
(The photos used throughout this site were taken during our 2020-2021 school year)
Our world is Holy Ground.
“Terra Sancta” invites us to consider the richness of nature -- to see the goodness
of creation as a vehicle for making God’s providential care visible.
At a farm school,
everything we learn about, every topic we explore, every reality we touch, leads us to
gratitude, hope and mission. As the poet-priest Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote:
“The world is charged with the grandeur of God.”
Our world is holy ground.